Pregnancy is a time of change. It can also be opportunity to embrace and appreciate your body which will undergo many transformations during these nine months. In other words, it’s wonderful time for growth not just for your developing baby but for you.
Yoga Dynamics has a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental centering and focused breathing. Learn compassion, self-love and self-care while nurturing you and your baby-to-be. Center yourself as you learn breathing techniques to calm your nervous system, and help you sleep better. Practice yoga poses chosen for you and your specific needs. Better posture through practicing yoga means being more comfortable in your changing body. Feeling good and having good energy are paramount now.
Develop confidence and inner strength as you begin to feel stronger and more flexible. We will adjust your practice over the weeks ahead as your needs change. You will become more fit physically, more relaxed mentally and better prepared to meet the challenges of birth and motherhood.
Yoga Dynamics post natal yoga can begin when you are cleared by your midwife or doctor and we work together to tone and strengthen muscles and bring them back to pre-pregnancy shape.